
You know me and blogging. It's like me and everything else. Slow and a little wobbly. 

I'm currently in a state of constant excitement/anxiety/stress/nervousness/ a scorpio feels smoothie.  

My first solo art installation, Point of Origin,  opens in 27 days and I thought it might be nice to have some energy abuzz along the ride to the end. 

So follow me at @patchworkpoetics over on instagram for some work in progress and other bits and bobs. 

Show Details (official promo is imminent)

Opening Reception: Thursday July 24 7-9pm

Artist Talk: Tuesday July 19 5:30-7pm


Tangled Art Gallery 

Studio 122 ( main floor )  

401 Richmond Street W  

*this exhibit includes two (2) touchable pieces of work and audio description for all works. All events associated with this exhibit will be barrier - free and will have ASL interpretation. We request that you help us make these events scent free.

For more info:  

Tel 647 725 5064


*info on coming scent free: 

Many people including the artist live with multiple chemical sensitivities that are activated or aggravated by exposure to things like perfume, cologne, and most common cleaning products as well as scented lotions shampoos laundry detergents or softeners hand sanitizers. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, disorientation or cognitive distress and in sine cases seizures.  

Some tips for keeping the space as scent free as possible are to wash anything you're going to wear that night in unscented detergent or baking soda. Don't wear perfumes, colognes, body spray, aftershave,  etc if you can avoid it. If you're gonna come with a fly new manicure, give it a day or 2 to off gas.  That's off the top of my head but please check out these tips and tricks compiled by some genius sick and disabled queer folks in the world. Thanks!

Billie has a few links to choose from and lots of helpful info.